Union County High School Book Club


Thursday, October 8, 2009

We had a UCBC book club meeting today and there were some interesting comments about the books we're reading. But what was more interesting was that the book club members were giving me lessons on blogging, from what should be included in the blog to the colors and design our blog should have. I have a lot to learn. Most people have finished reading Blood and Chocolate and the Hunger Games. It's interesting that some of our readers fly through books and have an excellent grasp of the story line, character traits, etc., while others have only read a few chapters. I asked the group to research the books they would like to read for December and January. In November we will be reading New Moon--and will have a field trip!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am very excited that mrs. T has decided to start a book club that students can come and talk about the books they love and read books together for help and understanding!