Union County High School Book Club


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hi and welcome to the UCBC blog spot! As you know the UCBC is reading Blood and Chocolate by Annettee Curtis Klause and The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

Some thought provoking questions are listed below:

1. Vivian gets into the fight with Astrid to save her mother. Has she marked herself as Gabriel's mate because she won the fight? How could such a wolf rule benefit the pack?

2. Does this book remind you of any other books you have read?

3. If so, what are the similarities? If not, how are they different?

4. What are loups-garoux and how are they portrayed?

5. What is poisonous to loups-garoux and in what way is it poisonous?

6. Which tastes sweeter--blood or chocolate? Why and how?

7. Vivian knows that showing Aiden her wolf form violates pack law, but she does it anyway. Is there any way to tell when revealing one's secret to a sweetheart will make you closer or push you apart?


Anonymous said...

this is hailey gresham and jessi rice LOL:)
Vivian is marked as gabriel's mate. She is more sane than the others. Vivian is more concerned for the pack.

The book doesnt remind me of any other book

Loups-garoux are shape shifters. they are in human form then they shape shift into wolves. They are portrayed as evil and loving feinds.

Silver. Silver is poisonous to them because it drains them of their power to shape shift.

Blood. Blood is sweeter because love comes from bleeding a little for the one you love.

I think that revealing a secret would bring you closer depending on how much your sweetheart is willilng to share with you.

Anonymous said...

Hi! This is Jada. I really enjoyed reading Blood and Chocolate :) It was really easy to read and get into.

Blood is sweeter than chocolate for Vivian, because it quinched her inner thirst.

I don't think Vivian fighting Astrid to save her mother made her Gabriel's mate... but at the same time it did. Her and Astrid were really the only ones who could win Gabriel, so they used the fight where she was defending her mother as "the fight"

Anonymous said...

Hola! This is Carlee Rae! Blood and Chocolate was a very enjoyable book. I didn't like to begin with, but I absolutely LOVED the ending!

Vivian is unknowingly marked as Gabriel's mate. She does her best to avoid her dutied, but in the end, she learns to accept it and Gabriel. I think the wolf pack will benefit from their leadership because it is evident throughout the book that she loves her fellow pack.

To begin with, this book reminded me of Twilight, but they are nothing alike. Blood and Chocolate is very different; it's a lot darker than Twilight.

The loups-garoux are werewolves, and they are portrayed as vicious, unruly animals.

Silver is poisonous to loups-garoux because it inhibits them from changing from wolf to human and vice versa.

Blood tastes sweeter because no matter how hard Vivian cannot ignore the wolf within her and her duty to her pack.

There really isn't any way of knowing if revealing a secret to someone will bring you closer together or tear you apart. That's the point of telling someone something so private: so you'll know that if you can trust them with something that personal, then you can trust them with anything. In retrospect, I think Vivian did the right thing by showing Aiden her true side because it showed her that he couldn't truly love her.

Anonymous said...

HIIIII! this is the beautiful jessi :).I agree with Carlee on her response to the last question. I believe that letting one's guard down and opening up to another is one of those big steps in any type of relationship... I think the reason why i loved this book is because of the way i can sort of relate my life to that of the main character. By no means is my existence dark and mysterious, but her reactions to certain situations reminds me of my tendacy to do the same. i likey :)

Jennifer Tazerouti said...

Your comments are all very thougtful and complex. I enjoyed reading them. Now I have to read Blood & Chocolate! This is awesome.