Union County High School Book Club


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Hi, UCBS members! Welcome to the library/bookclub blog spot! As you know, we are reading The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins and Blood and Chocolate by Annette Curtis Klause.

Thoughts, questions and ideas about The Hunger Games:

1. What do you think of Heymitch? Troublemaker? Untrustworthy? Savior?

2.Which children are the worst off? The ones in the Districts where the children were raised to think that competing to kill other children and possibly die themselves was honorable as in Districts 1 and 2? Or the outlying districts which were so poor that the inhabitants had to forage for the smallest portions?

3. Can you think of other books that remind you of The Hunger Games?

4. Does the opening ceremony remind you of our world events, either past or present?

5. Reality TV has been part of our television history since television was introduced (Candid Camera or the Miss America Pageant). How are our current reality tv shows (competitive and survival) similar to The Hunger Games?

6. Do you see any other aspects of current society reflected in this story?


<33 Latisha said...

1. Haymitch is awesome. I think there is more to him than is shown in the first book. He comes across as a floozy drunkard, but you can tell by the way he tries to help Katniss and Peeta that he does actually want them to survive. I think he is trustworthy but he is willing to keep things from each of them if he thinks it will help them more than it will hurt them.

3. The Lord of the Flies

4. The opening ceremonies are similiar to the Olympics. All countries come together for one event involving people from each place.

Kendall and Eric said...

By Kendall and Eric Hunger Games Answers
1. Heymitch is portrayed as both a troublemaker and a savior. He is a previous winner from district 12 and is often drunk so he also causes alot of trouble. But during the games he coaches Peeta and Katniss and provides them with the supplies they need to survive.
2.The Children in districts 1 and 2 are worse off because they are being used by the Capitol to be toys and there is nothing honorable about killing opponents who stand no chance against them.
4.The Olympics of 2008 and previous Olympics
5.They show contestants who often betray each other and compete against each other for their own gain seeking fortune and fame.
6. The people having to fight for survival. survival of the fittest and also the poor people in society barely getting along while the rich thrive.

Anonymous said...

heymitch is a great dude cause in the end he helps katniss and peetea wins.

the ones in district 1 and 2 might have been better off and well fed. also they had been trained to kill and physically stronger. the outlying districts had to hunt more because they had to to survive.

they all dress up and are interviewed just as the people in the olympics.

survivor is kind of like hunger games because they have to use their knowledge and skills they have learned through out their lives.

like in life you have to strive for what you get and work hard and even then sometimes you havent succeed

by: leah and miranda

Jennifer Tazerouti said...

1. Haymitch is a troublemaker and untrustworthy but he is also a savior. . . BECAUSE he does make trouble and behave in a untrustworthy ways and provides life saving advice and gifts in the games.

2. This is a GREAT question! It is worthy of a debate. I have to wonder if all the children in the rich districts who send Career tributes are trained or just select children. Could a similarity be drawn to different countries militaries?

3. Hmmm. No, but I can think of many TV shows! I am sure there are lots of books that have the same flavor as the Hunger Games. . . just can't think of any.

4. YES! The Olympics!

Can we borrow some of these great questions for our Hunger Games blog?

Mrs. T. said...

Thanks for responding, Mrs. Taz! I don't know if I can respond, because I haven't figured out how! Maybe this will be posted!

Mrs. T. said...

Of course you can borrow!!