Union County High School Book Club


Monday, February 22, 2010

Information Please!

Attention UCBC Book Club members: Please let me know what your phone numbers are so that I can text you to keep you informed of book club information (book club member suggestion!!!). I know you all check your texts!!! (Do NOT put on blog.)

Caroline B. Cooney

After we finished reading Thirteen Reasons Why, we decided to read books by one author--the author we chose is Caroline B. Cooney. There are 29 of Caroline Cooney's books in the Union County High School library collection. Each student will choose one of her books from the library collection and will discuss the different books at book club meetings. We will be blogging, making bookmarks, and discussing the books while enjoying yummy snacks. What kind of games or activities can we have a our Caroline B. Cooney Party? Got any ideas?? Leave a comment.

Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher

It's been a long time since we've posted any new comments, but we've still been reading, reading, reading!! The last book that we read was Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher. This book is sad and a little disturbing, but the message it sends is that our actions affect other people in ways that we may not expect. Check out reviews of this book from other readers.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our book club members enjoyed going on our field trip to see the movie, New Moon, after having read the book during the month of November. While getting on the bus and riding over to the Union Square Cinema, anticipation was at a high level. Everyone talked about what the movie would be like, as they hoped they wouldn't be disappointed. Many of the girls couldn't wait to see Edwart and/or Jacob! Everyone was so excited to be able to go!! Comments about the movie were diverse, as some loved the movie (no doubt for Jacob and/or Edward), but others thought the book was much better than the movie. Student thought that this movie was closer to the book than the Twilight movie was. During our book club meeting this week, we will talk more about the comparisons and contrasts between the book and movie.

Friday, November 20, 2009

We've had a very busy week this week, preparing for our field trip to see the movie New Moon! All of our members got their t-shirts yesterday at the meeting and took an easy test to see if everyone would get to go to the movie--and everyone did get to go! See our picture on this blog.
The girls loved seeing Jacob and Edward and were so surprised at the way the movie ended!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

New Moon

#1 On Bella's 18th birthday, what vampire attempted to drink her blood?
Jasper, Edward, Carlisle, or Alice
#2 Who finds Bella in the woods after the Cullen family leaves Forks?
Jacob, Charlie, Sam, or Paul
#3 When is the first time Bella hears Edward's voice in her head?
On the motorcycle with Jacob, In Port Angeles with Jessica, Cliff-diving, or In the forest right after he leaves
#4 Bella brings her motorcycle to Jacob to fix.
True or False
#5 Why does Jacob avoid Bella for two weeks after they see a movie with Mike Newton?
He thinks Bella is a vampire. He is a werewolf and doesn't like her anymore. He is sick of waiting for her to fall in love with him so he gives up. Or He is a werewolf and is forbidden to see her.
#6 What is the name of the vampire hunting Bella?
Victoria, James, Edward, or Laurent
#7 Who did Sam Uley imprint on?
Your Answer: 2 words, 10 letters. There are 2 alternate answers. (Show Hint)
#8 Alice comes back because she misses Bella and can't stand to be away from her any longer.
True or False
#9 What is the name of the vampire family that lives in Volterra, Italy?
Your Answer: 1 word, 7 letters. There is also an alternate answer. (Show Hint)
#10 How does Edward plan to provoke the vampire royalty into killing him?
Hunting in their city or Stepping into the sunlight or Attacking the guard or Lifting a car over his head
#11 The Italian vampires call Bella "la tua cantante" because her blood sings to Edward.
True or False
#12 When the Cullens vote to change Bella into a vampire, who votes yes?
Edward and Rosalie Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice, and Emmett Esme, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice, Rosalie, and Emmett Esme, Carlisle, or Jasper, and Emmett
#13 What condition does Edward ask of Bella in order for Edward to change her himself?
A fast car, Ten years, Marriage, or Wait until graduation
#14 Finish the quote: "Before you, Bella, my life was like a ____ night. Very dark, but there were stars-points of light and reason."
Your Answer: 1 word, 8 letters. (Show Hint)
#15 At the end, what does Jacob warn Bella and Edward about?
That the treaty is broken if the Cullens continue to associate with Bella, That the treaty is broken if the Cullens cross the line, That the treaty is broken if the Cullens kill a human, or That the treaty is broken if the Cullens bite a human...bite, not kill

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We've just finished our book club meeting today---Carlee talked about the book Pigman by Paul Zindel. She said she really liked it and that it was funny, but because it was written in the 60s, much of the language was different from the way teenagers talk today. Looking back at that time, you could almost call that book historical fiction today.

Also today we announced that our book club would attend the opening day production of New Moon on November 20 during the school day. Everyone received parent permission slips, media forms, and teacher permission slips. These forms must be turned in within days.

We distributed our next book, New Moon, and we'll read the first five chapters.

Also the vote for the book after New Moon is in and the winner is (drum roll) Thirteen Reasons Why.