Union County High School Book Club


Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our book club members enjoyed going on our field trip to see the movie, New Moon, after having read the book during the month of November. While getting on the bus and riding over to the Union Square Cinema, anticipation was at a high level. Everyone talked about what the movie would be like, as they hoped they wouldn't be disappointed. Many of the girls couldn't wait to see Edwart and/or Jacob! Everyone was so excited to be able to go!! Comments about the movie were diverse, as some loved the movie (no doubt for Jacob and/or Edward), but others thought the book was much better than the movie. Student thought that this movie was closer to the book than the Twilight movie was. During our book club meeting this week, we will talk more about the comparisons and contrasts between the book and movie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The movie was great! Thanks for the books Mrs. Thompson! <3 Jada