Union County High School Book Club


Thursday, November 5, 2009

We've just finished our book club meeting today---Carlee talked about the book Pigman by Paul Zindel. She said she really liked it and that it was funny, but because it was written in the 60s, much of the language was different from the way teenagers talk today. Looking back at that time, you could almost call that book historical fiction today.

Also today we announced that our book club would attend the opening day production of New Moon on November 20 during the school day. Everyone received parent permission slips, media forms, and teacher permission slips. These forms must be turned in within days.

We distributed our next book, New Moon, and we'll read the first five chapters.

Also the vote for the book after New Moon is in and the winner is (drum roll) Thirteen Reasons Why.


Dave said...

excellent blog. i read it every day!

Dentaveous said...

Dentaveous Rocks!!

Anonymous said...

This is Kayla We took our test on the book New Moon and i think i got them all right! I am excited to go see the movie! Im excited about reading the book Thirteen Reasons Why.

Anonymous said...

ahh i love reading and it's great to come together in a group with people that love reading too! :) i lovelovelove new moon...taylor is my husband :P i need a new book...any suggestions? :)

Kailly :)

Anonymous said...

Kendall here. We took our test on New Moon today... Im reading the book not sure if i will pass or not just hoping for the best :O I hope i like it more as i read it
Bb :)

jessi said...

well, mrs thompson. I was really depressed after i got finished reading the first few chapters of the New Moon book. Especially when that girl fell on the ground and stayed there forever. It reminded me of a time when my boyfriend and i broke up a long time ago, i could put myself in her shoes because i've felt that way before. well i really don't feel like saying anything else right now so i'll finish my thoughts at another time. lol love jessi

Anonymous said...

Carlee is awesome cuz I, I mean she ha ha, read The Pigman when no one else would. Anyway, I probably totally failed that New Moon test, but it's ok; I'll finish it by next week so I can do better on the next book :)

Oh and Kailly, you should read The Vampire Diaries. They're a lot better than the tv shows and they may just be better than Twilight! J/K