Union County High School Book Club


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hi, everyone!
I'm very pleased with the response of our club members to our blog and have enjoyed reading your comments about the books you've been reading. And thanks to Mrs. Taz for joining us!! We meet tomorrow and have our final discussions of Blood and Chocolate and The Hunger Games. We don't think that the comparisons of Blood and Chocolate, Vampire Diaries, and Twilight are accidental. Most students who have read the Hunger Games want to continue reading the sequel, Chatching Fire. I enjoyed The Hunger Games best--to imagine this happening in our lives would be impossible. But you never know what the future holds. New Moon is our next challenge--send me your choices for what you'd like to read after we finish New Moon!! See you tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i would like to read fanboy and goth girl